Saturday, August 25, 2012

Julia Child’s Kitchen

Where: American History Museum

When: through September 3, 2012

Julia's kitchen is open again, but only for a limited time, so run right out and see it while you can!

I blogged before about the original kitchen exhibit and how I was sad that it was closing for a while.  Now, having seen the new set-up, I can report that the closing has been well worth it.  The new area is much bigger and far less crowded than the old.  I only dropped in for a minute, just to have a quick look on my way back to work, after seeing the Jefferson exhibit described below, but I could tell immediately that this will be a far better display than the old arrangement.

While I was there, the TV program produced when she retired, featuring others reminiscing about Julia, was playing.  Charlie Gibson was recalling a story in which a friend of his was having a dinner party and called Julia (a complete stranger) on the phone and asked for advice.  She talked to the friend for 25 minutes, making suggestions and helping her plan out the meal.  Gibson does a great impression of Julia - who knew?

Verdict: If you're able to see this before it closes next weekend, great.  If not, you can look forward to seeing it when it reopens in November of this year.

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